Appointments are available in our main office in Meadow, New York. Evening times are available. Same or next day appointments are available, if required.
Do you have a question for Dr. Grossmann? Active patients can use our secure online form to ask our doctor questions.
Need a medication refilled? Our HIPAA-compliant medication refill form lets you request a refill for your medication online.
Access and print our AD/HD symptom questionnaires and ASD assessment scale/screening questionnaires. is the Child neurology website of Dr. Rami Grossmann’s Pediatric neurology practice. Rami Grossmann MD is a board certified pediatric neurologist, highly trained and vastly experienced, in the treatment of neurological and brain disorders. These include AD/HD, Autism, Epilepsy, including severe refractory epileptic seizures, Headaches, Concussions, tic disorders, developmental disabilities and many other neurological problems.
Meet Our PhysicianDr. Rami Grossmann combines extensive experience, compassion, and the latest technology in addressing your child’s neurological concerns and treats each patient and their families as partners in the management of their neurological care. Patient and family education is central to his practice.
Learn MoreCheck out our support resources page for a list of local and national organizations that can help you locate recreational and educational options for children with special needs as well as camps for special needs children in the New York area and beyond.
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